Peter involved in launch of Online Sound Mixing Class


Peter has approved the usage of two of most iconic songs “In Your Eyes” and “Sledgehammer” for a new online sound mixing class being run in conjunction with the New York University Steinhardt’s Department of Music and Performing Arts and the Peer 2 Peer University.

Music enthusiasts of all ability levels, who want to learn how to mix their own songs using the newest tools on the web, can now learn online from experts for free as part of the “Play With Your Music” online community and course that will commence on 16 May 2014. Sign up is now open at

Students will have a chance to explore music production through working with the multi-tracks of “In Your Eyes” and “Sledgehammer” using the latest web-based production tools.

The course will be augmented by interviews by interviews with Jerry Marotta, percussionist on Gabriel’s So album, from which both tracks are taken, and Kevin Killen, Gabriel’s sound engineer.

I’m a big fan of what the Peer 2 Peer University is trying to do to open up education to the world, and am very happy to be supporting this music project with NYU Steinhardt. It should make the world of music production much more accessible for those who want to explore itPeter Gabriel

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